Become a Supporter

In order to help get the book published, we are looking for ‘species supporters’ (individuals or organisations) who, in return for a donation of £50, can select a species and see their name alongside that species in the book itself. We will be accepting no more than three supporters per species and requests will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis and this page will be updated as each request is processed (the page does not update immediately). If you would like to support a species, simply complete the following form and click the Submit button (species that already have three supporters are omitted from the ‘butterfly species’ list). No payment will be requested until nearer the publication date, when we can also show you the page in the book with your specified text and, of course, your details will not be shared with any third party.

Each supporter will also receive a signed copy of the book for each species supported (with free Postage & Packaging within the UK).

If you would like to support more than one species then please submit a form for each species. Also, if you are no longer able to support the book or would like to amend your details then please contact the author.

Sorry! All species are now fully supported.

(Papilio machaon)
0 spaces remaining
Dingy Skipper
(Erynnis tages)
0 spaces remaining
Grizzled Skipper
(Pyrgus malvae)
0 spaces remaining
Chequered Skipper
(Carterocephalus palaemon)
0 spaces remaining
Essex Skipper
(Thymelicus lineola)
0 spaces remaining
Small Skipper
(Thymelicus sylvestris)
0 spaces remaining
Lulworth Skipper
(Thymelicus acteon)
0 spaces remaining
Silver-spotted Skipper
(Hesperia comma)
0 spaces remaining
Large Skipper
(Ochlodes sylvanus)
0 spaces remaining
Wood White
(Leptidea sinapis)
0 spaces remaining
Cryptic Wood White
(Leptidea juvernica)
0 spaces remaining
(Anthocharis cardamines)
0 spaces remaining
Large White
(Pieris brassicae)
0 spaces remaining
Small White
(Pieris rapae)
0 spaces remaining
Green-veined White
(Pieris napi)
0 spaces remaining
Clouded Yellow
(Colias croceus)
0 spaces remaining
(Gonepteryx rhamni)
0 spaces remaining
(Lasiommata megera)
0 spaces remaining
Speckled Wood
(Pararge aegeria)
0 spaces remaining
Large Heath
(Coenonympha tullia)
0 spaces remaining
Small Heath
(Coenonympha pamphilus)
0 spaces remaining
Mountain Ringlet
(Erebia epiphron)
0 spaces remaining
Scotch Argus
(Erebia aethiops)
0 spaces remaining
(Aphantopus hyperantus)
0 spaces remaining
Meadow Brown
(Maniola jurtina)
0 spaces remaining
(Pyronia tithonus)
0 spaces remaining
Marbled White
(Melanargia galathea)
0 spaces remaining
(Hipparchia semele)
0 spaces remaining
Pearl-bordered Fritillary
(Boloria euphrosyne)
0 spaces remaining
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
(Boloria selene)
0 spaces remaining
Silver-washed Fritillary
(Argynnis paphia)
0 spaces remaining
Dark Green Fritillary
(Argynnis aglaja)
0 spaces remaining
High Brown Fritillary
(Argynnis adippe)
0 spaces remaining
White Admiral
(Limenitis camilla)
0 spaces remaining
Purple Emperor
(Apatura iris)
0 spaces remaining
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
0 spaces remaining
Painted Lady
(Vanessa cardui)
0 spaces remaining
(Aglais io)
0 spaces remaining
Small Tortoiseshell
(Aglais urticae)
0 spaces remaining
(Polygonia c-album)
0 spaces remaining
Marsh Fritillary
(Euphydryas aurinia)
0 spaces remaining
Glanville Fritillary
(Melitaea cinxia)
0 spaces remaining
Heath Fritillary
(Melitaea athalia)
0 spaces remaining
Duke of Burgundy
(Hamearis lucina)
0 spaces remaining
Small Copper
(Lycaena phlaeas)
0 spaces remaining
Brown Hairstreak
(Thecla betulae)
0 spaces remaining
Purple Hairstreak
(Favonius quercus)
0 spaces remaining
Green Hairstreak
(Callophrys rubi)
0 spaces remaining
White-letter Hairstreak
(Satyrium w-album)
0 spaces remaining
Black Hairstreak
(Satyrium pruni)
0 spaces remaining
Small Blue
(Cupido minimus)
0 spaces remaining
Holly Blue
(Celastrina argiolus)
0 spaces remaining
Large Blue
(Maculinea arion)
0 spaces remaining
Silver-studded Blue
(Plebejus argus)
0 spaces remaining
Brown Argus
(Aricia agestis)
0 spaces remaining
Northern Brown Argus
(Aricia artaxerxes)
0 spaces remaining
Common Blue
(Polyommatus icarus)
0 spaces remaining
Adonis Blue
(Polyommatus bellargus)
0 spaces remaining
Chalk Hill Blue
(Polyommatus coridon)
0 spaces remaining